Polygonum bistorta subsp. plumosum (Small) Hult.
FamilyPolygonaceae — APG family: Polygonaceae
SynonymsBistorta major subsp. plumosa (Small) Hara., Polygonum bistorta subsp. ellipticum (Willd. ) Petrovsky, Bistorta plumosa Greene, Polygonum plumosum Small
Common namebistort
DescriptionRhizome thick, hard, usually contorted; radical leaves elliptic or elongated, with rounded or mostly cuneate base and winged petioles, dark green above, grayish beneath; spike thick, with pink flowers and dark anthers.
EcologyMeadows; heaths, tundra bogs; in the Yukon to at least 2,000 meters. P. bistorta described from Switzerland, Austria, France.
Broken line on circumpolar map in- dicates range of other subspecies.
UsesThe rhizome and the leaves are eaten boiled by the natives. (See color section.)
Hultén's Flora About

This is a digital representation of Eric Hultén’s ‘Flora of Alaska and Neighboring Territories: A Manual of the Vascular Plants’, which was published by Stanford University Press in 1968. The book was digitized by C. Webb (at UAMN) as part of the Flora of Alaska project, with funding by the US NSF (Grant 1759964 to Ickert-Bond & Webb), and with permission of Stanford University Press. Data and images © 1968 Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Jr. Univ. Usage licence: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0. NB: You may find OCR errors; please refer to the hard-copy if in doubt.