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Aceraceae, Adiantaceae, Adoxaceae, Alismataceae, Amaranthaceae, Apocynaceae, Araceae, Araliaceae, Aspidiaceae, Aspleniaceae, Athyriaceae, Balsaminaceae, Betulaceae, Blechnaceae, Boraginaceae, Callitrichaceae, Campanulaceae, Caprifoliaceae, Caryophyllaceae, Ceratophyllaceae, Chenopodiaceae, Compositae, Cornaceae, Crassulaceae, Cruciferae, Cryptogrammaceae, Cupressaceae, Cyperaceae, Diapensiaceae, Droseraceae, Elaeagnaceae, Empetraceae, Equisetaceae, Ericaceae, Fumariaceae, Gentianaceae, Geraniaceae, Gramineae, Haloragaceae, Hydrophyllaceae, Hymenophyllaceae, Hypolepidaceae, Iridaceae, Isoetaceae, Juncaceae, Juncaginaceae, Labitae, Leguminosae, Lemnaceae, Lentibulariaceae, Liliaceae, Linaceae, Loranthaceae, Lycopodiaceae, Myricaceae, Nymphaeaceae, Onagraceae, Ophioglossaceae, Orchidaceae, Orobanchaceae, Papaveraceae, Pinaceae, Plantaginaceae, Plumbaginaceae, Polemoniaceae, Polygonaceae, Polypodiaceae, Portulacaceae, Potamogetonaceae, Primulaceae, Pyrolaceae, Ranunculaceae, Rosaceae, Rubiaceae, Salicaceae, Santalaceae, Saxifragaceae, Scheuchzeriaceae, Scrophulariaceae, Selaginellaceae, Solanaceae, Sparaganiaceae, Taxaceae, Thelypteridaceae, Typhaceae, Umbelliferae, Urticaceae, Valerianaceae, Violaceae
Abies, Acer, Achillea, Aconitum, Acorus, Actaea, Adiantum, Adoxa, Agoseris, Agropyron, Agrostemma, Agrostis, Aira, Allium, Alnus, Alopecurus, Alyssum, Amaranthus, Amelanchier, Amerorchis, Amsinckia, Anaphalis, Andromeda, Androsace, Anemone, Angelica, Antennaria, Anthemis, Anthoxanthum, Antirrhinum, Apargidium, Aphragmus, Apocynum, Aquilegia, Arabis, Arceuthobium, Arctagrostis, Arctophila, Arctostaphylos, Arenaria, Armeria, Armoracia, Arnica, Arrhenatherum, Artemisia, Aruncus, Asperugo, Asplenium, Aster, Astragalus, Athyrium, Atriplex, Avena, Barbarea, Beckmannia, Bellis, Betula, Bidens, Blechnum, Blysmus, Boschniakia, Botrychium, Boykinia, Brasenia, Brassica, Braya, Bromus, Bupleurum, Cacalia, Cakile, Calamagrostis, Calla, Callitriche, Caltha, Calypso, Camelina, Campanula, Capsella, Cardamine, Carex, Cassiope, Castilleja, Catabrosa, Cerastium, Ceratophyllum, Chamaecyparis, Chamaedaphne, Chamaerhodos, Chenopodium, Chimaphila, Christolia, Chrysanthemum, Chrysosplenium, Cicuta, Cinna, Circaea, Cirsium, Cladothamnus, Claytonia, Clintonia, Cnidium, Cochlearia, Coeloglossum, Collinsia, Collomia, Colpodium, Comandra, Conioselinum, Coptis, Corallorrhiza, Corispermum, Cornus, Corydalis, Cotula, Crassula, Crataegus, Crepis, Cryptantha, Cryptogramma, Cypripedium, Cystopteris, Dactylis, Dactylorhiza, Danthonia, Delphinium, Deschampsia, Descurainia, Dianthus, Diapensia, Dicentra, Digitalis, Dodecatheon, Douglasia, Draba, Dracocephalum, Drosera, Dryas, Dryopteris, Dupontia, Echinopanax, Elaeagnus, Eleocharis, Elymus, Empetrum, Epilobium, Equisetum, Erigeron, Eriogonum, Eriophorum, Eritrichium, Erodium, Erysimum, Euphrasia, Eurotia, Eutrema, Fauria, Festuca, Fragaria, Fritillaria, Galeopsis, Galium, Gaultheria, Gentiana, Geocaulon, Geranium, Geum, Gilia, Glaux, Glechoma, Glehnia, Glyceria, Gnaphalium, Goodyera, Gymnocarpium, Hackelia, Halimolobus, Hammarbya, Haplopappus, Hedysarum, Helianthus, Heracleum, Hesperis, Heuchera, Hieracium, Hierochloe, Hippuris, Holcus, Honckenya, Hordeum, Hypochoeris, Impatiens, Iris, Isoetes, Juncus, Juniperus, Kalmia, Kobresia, Koeleria, Koenigia, Lactuca, Lagotis, Lamium, Lappula, Lapsana, Larix, Lathyrus, Ledum, Lemna, Leontodon, Lepidium, Leptarrhena, Lesquerella, Lewisia, Ligusticum, Limosella, Linaria, Linnaea, Linum, Listera, Lloydia, Loiseleuria, Lolium, Lomatogonium, Lonicera, Luetkea, Lupinus, Luzula, Lycopodium, Lycopus, Lysichiton, Lysimachia, Madia, Maianthemum, Malaxis, Malus, Marrubium, Matricaria, Matteuccia, Mecodium, Medicago, Melandrium, Melica, Melilotus, Mentha, Menyanthes, Menziesia, Mertensia, Microsteris, Mimulus, Minuartia, Mitella, Moehringia, Moneses, Monolepis, Monotropa, Montia, Muhlenbergia, Myosotis, Myrica, Myriophyllum, Nemophila, Nepeta, Neslia, Nuphar, Nymphaea, Oenanthe, Ophioglossum, Orobanche, Orthocarpus, Oryzopsis, Osmorhiza, Oxycoccus, Oxygraphis, Oxyria, Oxytropis, Papaver, Parnassia, Parrya, Pastinaca, Pedicularis, Pentstemon, Petasites, Phacelia, Phalaris, Phippsia, Phleum, Phlojodicarpus, Phlox, Phyllodoce, Phyllospadix, Physocarpus, Picea, Picris, Pinguicula, Pinus, Plagiobothrys, Plantago, Platanthera, Pleuropogon, Poa, Podagrostis, Podistera, Polemonium, Polygonum, Polypodium, Polypogon, Polystichum, Populus, Potamogeton, Potentilla, Prenanthes, Primula, Prunella, Pteridium, Puccinellia, Pulsatilla, Pyrola, Ranunculus, Raphanus, Rhinanthus, Rhododendron, Rhynchospora, Ribes, Romanzoffia, Rorippa, Rosa, Rubus, Rumex, Ruppia, Sagina, Sagittaria, Salicornia, Salix, Sambucus, Sanguisorba, Satureja, Saussurea, Saxifraga, Scheuchzeria, Schizachne, Scirpus, Scolochloa, Scutellaria, Secale, Sedum, Selaginella, Senecio, Shepherdia, Sibbaldia, Silene, Sinapis, Sisymbrium, Sisyrinchium, Sium, Smelowskia, Smilacina, Solanum, Solidago, Sonchus, Sorbus, Sparganium, Spergula, Spergularia, Sphenopholis, Spiraea, Spiranthes, Stachys, Stellaria, Stipa, Streptopus, Suaeda, Subularia, Swertia, Symphoricarpus, Synthyris, Taraxacum, Taxus, Tellima, Thalictrum, Thellungiella, Thelypteris, Thlaspi, Thuja, Tiarella, Tofieldia, Tolmiea, Townsendia, Trichophorum, Trientalis, Trifolium, Triglochin, Tripleurospermum, Trisetum, Triticum, Trollius, Tsuga, Turritis, Typha, Urtica, Utricularia, Vaccaria, Vaccinium, Vahlodea, Valeriana, Veratrum, Veronica, Viburnum, Vicia, Viola, Vulpia, Wilhelmsia, Woodsia, Zannichellia, Zostera, Zygadenus
Hultén’s Family Key
🠘 | 1. | Plant without true flowers or seeds; reproduction by 1-celled spores; always herbaceous | 🠚 5. |
1. | Plant with true flowers bearing stamens or carpels or mostly both, and seeds containing a multicelled embryo (SPERMATOPHYTA) | 🠚 2. | |
🠘 | 2. | Trees or shrubs with needlelike or scalelike leaves; flowers mostly unisexual, lacking perianth; ovules naked, not enclosed in ovary | 🠚 21. |
2. | Trees, herbs, or shrubs with leaves of diverse form, needlelike, scalelike, or flat; flowers bisexual or unisexual, perianth usually present; ovules completely enclosed in ovary (ANGIOSPERMAE) | 🠚 3. | |
🠘 | 3. | Leaves usually parallel-veined, mostly alternate and entire; parts of flowers usually in threes, not in fives; embryo with single cotyledon | 🠚 23. |
3. | Leaves net-veined, usually pinnately or palmately so; parts of flowers mostly in fours or fives; embryo with 2 cotyledons in most cases. Exceptions NYMPHAEACEAE, some Corydalis, and some RANUNCULACEAE, with but 1. (DICOTYLEDONEAE) | 🠚 4. | |
🠘 | 4. | Petals distinct from each other or lacking. Exceptions (petals somewhat united near base): CRASSULACEAE and FUMARIACEAE, which appear in key to METACHLAMYDEAE as well. (CHORIPETALAE) | 🠚 36. |
4. | Petals united, at least at base. Exceptions: EMPETRACEAE, which occurs only in key to {ARCHICHLAMYDEAE}; PYROLACEAE and ERICACEAE, which occur in both keys, (SYMPETALAE) | 🠚 83. | |
🠘 | 5. | Stems of hollow joints; leaves whorled and forming sheath at nodes: EQUISETACEAE | |
5. | Stems not jointed; leaves not fused into sheath | 🠚 6. | |
🠘 | 6. | Leaves not differentiated into lamina and petiole | 🠚 7. |
6. | Leaves with distinct lamina and petiole | 🠚 9. | |
🠘 | 7. | Leaves forming basal rosette; sporangia at base of rosette leaves: ISOETACEAE | |
7. | Leaves not forming basal rosette; sporangia in terminal cones | 🠚 8. | |
🠘 | 8. | Sterile leaves 6-8 mm long, without ligule; spores of 1 kind, small: LYCOPODIACEAE | |
8. | Sterile leaves less than 5 mm long, with minute, transverse ligule near base; spores of 2 kinds, minute (male) and large (female, fewer): SELAGINELLACEAE | ||
🠘 | 9. | Leaf single; sporangia in stalked spike or panicle from base of green blade, large, globular, without annulus: OPHIOGLOSSACEAE | |
9. | Leaves more than 1; sporangia borne on underside of leaf, small-stalked, with annulus of thick-walled cells on side | 🠚 10. | |
🠘 | 10. | Fertile and sterile leaves dissimilar | 🠚 11. |
10. | Fertile and sterile leaves similar | 🠚 13. | |
🠘 | 11. | Leaves 2—4-pinnate: CRYPTOGRAMMACEAE | |
11. | Leaves 1-pinnate | 🠚 12. | |
🠘 | 12. | Pinnae pinnatifid: ATHYRIACEAE (Matteuccia) | |
12. | Pinnae entire: BLECHNACEAE | ||
🠘 | 13. | Leaves mostly not more than one cell thick: HYMENOPHYLLACEAE | |
13. | Leaves more than one cell thick | 🠚 14. | |
🠘 | 14. | Leaves pinnatifid, 1-pinnate or dichotomously forked 1-3 times | 🠚 15. |
14. | Leaves pinnately divided | 🠚 16. | |
🠘 | 15. | Leaves 1-pinnate or dichotomously forked: ASPLENIACEAE | |
15. | Leaves pinnatifid: POLYPODIACEAE | ||
🠘 | 16. | Sori covered by deflexed margin of leaf | 🠚 17. |
16. | Sori not covered by deflexed margin of leaf | 🠚 18. | |
🠘 | 17. | Rhizome short; frond membranaceous, palmately forking: ADIANTHACEAE | |
17. | Rhizome coarse, extensively creeping; frond coarse, coriaceous, tripinnate: HYPOLEPIDACEAE | ||
🠘 | 18. | Sori sobmarginal: THELYPTERIDACEAE | |
18. | Sori along veins | 🠚 19. | |
🠘 | 19. | Indusium wanting or nearly obsolete: ATHYRIACEAE (Athyrium) | |
19. | Indusium present, at least in young fronds | 🠚 20. | |
🠘 | 20. | Indusium borne beneath sorus, surrounding sorus in cuplike structure: ATHYRIACEAE | |
20. | Indusium spreading from above or from 1 side, over sorus: ASPIDIACEAE | ||
🠘 | 21. | Female flowers solitary; seed single, bony, surrounded by fleshy cup (aril): TAXACEAE | |
21. | Female flowers in cones (in Juniperus, berrylike); seeds without fleshy cup | 🠚 22. | |
🠘 | 22. | Leaves alternate or 2-5 together on short shoots or spurs: PINACEAE | |
22. | Leaves opposite or whorled: CUPRESSACEAE | ||
🠘 | 23. | Plant minute, 1-10 mm long, free-floating, consisting of membranaceous stem or frond without obvious differentiation into stems and leaves | |
23. | Plant terrestrial or aquatic, rooted in mud; plant larger, with stem and (sometimes scale- like) leaves | 🠚 24. | |
🠘 | 24. | Inflorescence a simple, fleshy spike (spadix) with small flowers, subtended by large bract (spathe); leaves broad, in dense rosettes: ARACEAE | |
24. | Inflorescence not a spadix; leaves grasslike or broad | 🠚 25. | |
🠘 | 25. | Perianth lacking or reduced, not petal-like in color and texture, consisting of bristles or mere scales | 🠚 26. |
25. | Perianth well developed, with at least the inner segments petaloid in color and texture | 🠚 33. | |
🠘 | 26. | Flowers in axils of regularly imbricated scales and concealed by scales | 🠚 27. |
26. | Flowers in axils of bracts or, if subtended by bracts, exceeding or equaling them, not concealed | 🠚 28. | |
🠘 | 27. | Leaf sheaths split lengthwise; stem mostly hollow and terete; leaves usually 2-ranked: GRAMINEAE | |
27. | Leaf sheaths forming closed tube around stem (sometimes rupturing in age); stem often triangular in cross section; leaves usually 3-ranked: CYPERACEAE | ||
🠘 | 28. | Flowers unisexual, in heads or dense spikes | 🠚 29. |
28. | Flowers perfect | 🠚 30. | |
🠘 | 29. | Flowers in densely crowded terminal spikes, the lower half thick, dark brown, pistillate, the upper thinner, staminate: TYPHACEAE | |
29. | Flowers in globose heads, the lower pistillate, the upper staminate: SPARGANIACEAE | ||
🠘 | 30. | Plant floating or submerged: POTAMOGETONACEAE | |
30. | Plant terrestrial | 🠚 31. | |
🠘 | 31. | Carpels free (except at base); leaves with conspicuous pore at apex: SCHEUCHZERIACEAE | |
31. | Carpels more or less completely united, separating at maturity; leaves without conspicuous pore at apex | 🠚 32. | |
🠘 | 32. | Flowers in unbranched racemes; styles short or lacking JUNCAGINACEAE | |
32. | Flowers in cymes or branched inflorescences; styles 3, distinct JUNCACEAE | ||
🠘 | 33. | Ovary wholly inferior | 🠚 34. |
33. | Ovary superior | 🠚 35. | |
🠘 | 34. | Flowers regular; ovary with 3 rooms; stamens 3: IRIDACEAE | |
34. | Flowers irregular; 1 petal forming a lip with a spur; ovary 1-roomed; stamens 1, in Cypripedium 2: ORCHIDACEAE | ||
🠘 | 35. | Outer 3 perianth segments sepal-like, the inner 3 petal-like ALISMACEAE | |
35. | Sepals of same coloraspetals: LILIACEAE | ||
🠘 | 36. | Plant parasitic on branches of western hemlock, lacking chlorophyll (witch’s broom): LORANTHACEAE | |
36. | Plant rooting in ground | 🠚 37. | |
🠘 | 37. | Petals lacking or not evident (calyx sometimes petaloid, as in RANUNCULACEAE, Polygonum, and Eriogonum) | 🠚 38. |
37. | Petals present, evident; calyx also present (caducous at anthesis in PAPAVERACEAE) | 🠚 53. | |
🠘 | 38. | Plant definitely woody, with woody branches; tree or shrub | 🠚 39. |
38. | Plant herbaceous (sometimes slightly woody at base) | 🠚 43. | |
🠘 | 39. | Flowers in catkins; plant not covered with stellate hairs | 🠚 40. |
39. | Flowers not in catkins | 🠚 42. | |
🠘 | 40. | Fruit a many-seeded capsule; seeds with tuft of long hair; stamens with long filaments: SALICACEAE | |
40. | Fruit a 1-seeded nutlet; seeds without tuft of hair | 🠚 41. | |
🠘 | 41. | Female flowers solitary, in axils of bracts; male flowers in small, lateral catkins; leaves dotted with resin glands: MYRICACEAE | |
41. | Female flowers in erect, cylindrical or ovoid catkins, 2-3 in axils of bracts; male flowers in drooping catkins: BETULACEAE | ||
🠘 | 42. | Stamens 4 or 8; plant covered with stellate hairs or scales; leaves broad, deciduous: ELAEAGNACEAE | |
42. | Stamens 3; plant not covered with stellate hairs; leaves linear, needlelike, evergreen: EMPETRACEAE | ||
🠘 | 43. | Plant aquatic, submerged or, as water recedes or evaporates, in wet mud | 🠚 44. |
43. | Plant terrestrial (sometimes growing in wet places) | 🠚 47. | |
🠘 | 44. | Calyx petaloid, colored: RANUNCULACEAE | |
44. | Calyx not petaloid | 🠚 45. | |
🠘 | 45. | Leaves opposite, entire, often crowded in terminal rosettes CALLITRICHACEAE | |
45. | Leaves whorled, entire or dissected | 🠚 46. | |
🠘 | 46. | Leaves dichotomously 2 or 3 times forked; ovary superior CERATOPHYLLACEAE | |
46. | Leaves entire or pinnatifid: HALORAGACEAE | ||
🠘 | 47. | Ovary more or less inferior; calyx adnate to floral tube; leaves entire, cblong, glabrous (root parasites): SANTALACEAE | |
47. | Ovary superior, free from calyx (although sometimes surrounded by it) | 🠚 48. | |
🠘 | 48. | Pistils several; stamens more than 10; calyx petaloid, conspicuous RANUNCULACEAE | |
48. | Pistil 1; calyx green or petaloid | 🠚 49. | |
🠘 | 49. | Style and stigma single; flowers in axillary clusters; stamens 4 : URTICACEAE | |
49. | Styles and stigmas more than 1 | 🠚 50. | |
🠘 | 50. | Flowers enclosed in campanulate involucrum; calyx bright yellow POLYGONACEAE (Eriogonum) | |
50. | Flowers without involucrum; calyx sometimes petaloid, not bright yellow | 🠚 51. | |
🠘 | 51. | Stipules united into sheath above each node; calyx more or less petaloid: POLYGONACEAE | |
51. | Stipules not united into sheath; calyx not petaloid | 🠚 52. | |
🠘 | 52. | Bracts not scarious; plant mostly mealy, scurfy, or fleshy: CHENOPODIACEAE | |
52. | Bracts subtending flowers, scarious; plant not mealy, scurfy, or fleshy: AMARANTHACEAE | ||
🠘 | 53. | Stamens numerous, more than twice as many as petals | 🠚 54. |
53. | Stamens not more than twice as many as petals | 🠚 58. | |
🠘 | 54. | Plants aquatic, with broad, cordate, floating leaves: NYMPHAEACEAE | |
54. | Plants terrestrial, leaves various | 🠚 55. | |
🠘 | 55. | Sepals 2, caducous at anthesis | 🠚 56. |
55. | Sepals more than 2 | 🠚 57. | |
🠘 | 56. | Flowers regular: PAPAVERACEAE | |
56. | Flowers irregular: FUMARIACEAE | ||
🠘 | 57. | Stamens inserted in receptacle, free from calyx: RANUNCULACEAE | |
57. | Stamens borne on calyx or on rim of hypanthium: ROSACEAE | ||
🠘 | 58. | Stamens inserted into margin of woolly disk lining base of calyx: ROSACEAE (Sibbaldia) | |
58. | Stamens not thus inserted | 🠚 59. | |
🠘 | 59. | Pistils more than 1, nearly or quite separate | 🠚 60. |
59. | Pistil 1 (consisting of 1 or more, more or less united carpels) | 🠚 61. | |
🠘 | 60. | Plant succulent; carpels with same number as calyx segments: CRASSULACEAE | |
60. | Plant not succulent; carpels fewer than calyx segments, mostly 2: SAXIFRAGACEAE | ||
🠘 | 61. | Styles 2-5, separate near base | 🠚 62. |
61. | Style 1 (sometimes more or less divided toward apex) | 🠚 71. | |
🠘 | 62. | Plant woody; shrub or small tree | 🠚 63. |
62. | Plant herbaceous | 🠚 64. | |
🠘 | 63. | Ovary inferior; fruit a berry; leaves palmately lobed: SAXIFRAGACEAE (Ribes) | |
63. | Ovary superior; fruit winged: ACERACEAE | ||
🠘 | 64. | Plant submerged, aquatic; leaves finely dissected: HALORAGACEAE (Muyriophyllum) | |
64. | Plant terrestrial | 🠚 65. | |
🠘 | 65. | Ovary more or less inferior | 🠚 66. |
65. | Ovary superior | 🠚 68. | |
🠘 | 66. | Seeds many in each room of ovary; flowers not in umbels: SAXIFRAGACEAE | |
66. | Seeds solitary in each room of ovary; flowers in umbels | 🠚 67. | |
🠘 | 67. | Fruit a berry; densely prickly, decumbent shrub: ARALIACEAE | |
67. | Fruit a schizocarp, splitting at maturity into 2 mericarps; herb: UMBELLIFERAE | ||
🠘 | 68. | Leaves reddish, with numerous stout glands on upper surface; insectivorous: DROSERACEAE | |
68. | Leaves green, lacking stout glands; not insectivorous | 🠚 69. | |
🠘 | 69. | Sepals 2; plant more or less fleshy: PORTULACACEAE | |
69. | Sepals more than 2, free or united into tube | 🠚 70. | |
🠘 | 70. | Ovary 1-celled; stamens twice as many as petals: CARYOPHYLLACEAE | |
70. | Ovary 5-celled; fertile stamens as many as petals: LINACEAE | ||
🠘 | 71. | Ovary inferior | 🠚 72. |
71. | Ovary superior | 🠚 74. | |
🠘 | 72. | Shrub; flowers in lateral racemes or solitary; leaves alternate; stamens mostly 5: SAXIFRAGACEAE (Ribes) | |
72. | Herb; stamens 2, 4, or 8 | 🠚 73. | |
🠘 | 73. | Flowers axillary or in terminal racemes; stamens 2 or 8: ONAGRACEAE | |
73. | Flowers in umbelliform cyme, surrounded by mostly 4 large, white, petaloid bracts; stamens 4: CORNACEAE | ||
🠘 | 74. | Plant a low shrub: ERICACEAE (Ledum) | |
74. | Plant herbaceous | 🠚 75. | |
🠘 | 75. | Sepals 2 | 🠚 76. |
75. | Sepals more than 2 | 🠚 78. | |
🠘 | 76. | Plant more or less fleshy: PORTULACACEAE | |
76. | Plant not fleshy | 🠚 77. | |
🠘 | 77. | Sepals early-caducous; leaves lobed: PAPAVERACEAE | |
77. | Sepals not early-caducous; leaves dissected: FUMARIACEAE | ||
🠘 | 78. | Flowers regular; all petals similar | 🠚 79. |
78. | Flowers markedly irregular; petals not all similar | 🠚 81. | |
🠘 | 79. | Sepals and petals 4; stamens 6, 2 shorter than the others: CRUCIFERAE | |
79. | Sepals 5; stamens 5, 8, or 10, all the same length | 🠚 80. | |
🠘 | 80. | Ovary 5-lobed with long beak bearing 5 stigmas; flowers solitary on long peduncles; leaves lobed or dissected: GERANIACEAE | |
80. | Fruit a many-seeded capsule; leaves entire: PYROLACEAE | ||
🠘 | 81. | Flowers papilionaceous (as in the pea), with stamens forming tube around style; fruit a legume; leaves compound: LEGUMINOSAE | |
81. | Flowers not papilionaceous; fruit a 1-roomed, 3-valved capsule; leaves entire | 🠚 82. | |
🠘 | 82. | Sepals 3, very unequal, 1 spurred; petals 3, not spurred; stipules lacking; flowers panicled: BALSAMINACEAE | |
82. | Sepals 5, equal, not spurred; petals 5, 1 spurred; stipules pres- ent; flowers solitary: VIOLACEAE | ||
🠘 | 83. | Ovary superior | 🠚 84. |
83. | Ovary inferior, or partly so | 🠚 103. | |
🠘 | 84. | Stamens more than 5 | 🠚 85. |
84. | Stamens not more than 5 | 🠚 89. | |
🠘 | 85. | Petals united only near base | 🠚 86. |
85. | Petals markedly united, often urn-shaped or tubular; style 1 | 🠚 88. | |
🠘 | 86. | Corolla irregular; pistil 1; stamens 6: FUMARIACEAE | |
86. | Corolla regular | 🠚 87. | |
🠘 | 87. | Pistils 5; stamens 10; plant succulent: CRASSULACEAE | |
87. | Pistil 1; stamens 8-12, mostly 10: PYROLACEAE | ||
🠘 | 88. | Plant an evergreen herb, or saprophytic herb, lacking chlorophyll; anthers opening by longitudinal slits: PYROLACEAE | |
88. | Plant a shrub or dwarf shrub; anthers opening by an apical pore: ERICACEAE | ||
🠘 | 89. | Plant lacking chlorophyll, brown, parasitic; corollas with 3-lobed lower lip; stamens 4: OROBANCHACEAE | |
89. | Plant with chlorophyll, not parasitic, or partly so | 🠚 90. | |
🠘 | 90. | Corolla regular | 🠚 91. |
90. | Corolla irregular | 🠚 101. | |
🠘 | 91. | Pistils 2 (ovaries distinct, but styles united) ; plant with milky juice: APOCYNACEAE | |
91. | Pistil 1 | 🠚 92. | |
🠘 | 92. | Stamens as many as corolla lobes and opposite them | 🠚 93. |
92. | Stamens as many as, or fewer than, corolla lobes and alternating with them | 🠚 94. | |
🠘 | 93. | Style 1; fruit a several-seeded capsule: PRIMULACEAE | |
93. | Styles 5; fruit 1-seeded; leaves linear: PLUMBAGINACEAE | ||
🠘 | 94. | Corolla small, dry-scarious, veinless; capsule opening with a lid; stamens 2 ot 4;leaves basal: PLANTAGINACEAE | |
94. | Corolla not dry-scarious, veiny; capsule not opening with a lid; stamens 5 | 🠚 95. | |
🠘 | 95. | Ovary with 4 rooms, usually 4-lobed (though some may abort); plant characteristically scabrid, hispid; inflorescence usually a scorpioid cyme: BORAGINACEAE | |
95. | Ovary with 1, 2, or 3 rooms | 🠚 96. | |
🠘 | 96. | Anthers opening with apical pores; flowers large, red: ERICACEAE (Rhododendron) | |
96. | Anthers opening with longitudinal slits | 🠚 97. | |
🠘 | 97. | Style 3-cleft; ovary 3-roomed; capsule 3-valved | 🠚 98. |
97. | Style not 3-cleft; ovary 1-2-roomed | 🠚 99. | |
🠘 | 98. | Plant an evergreen, dwarf shrub with entire, leathery leaves; filaments in notches of corolla, cohering with corolla; flowers solitary: DIAPENSIACEAE | |
98. | Plant an herb with entire or often pinnately divided leaves; filaments not in notches of corolla: POLEMONIACEAE | ||
🠘 | 99. | Calyx deeply 5-lobed; style often 2-cleft: HYDROPHYLLACEAE | |
99. | Calyx 4-5-toothed or cleft; style 1, entire | 🠚 100. | |
🠘 | 100. | Stigmas 2; ovary 1-roomed: GENTIANACEAE | |
100. | Stigma 1; ovary 2-roomed: SOLANACEAE | ||
🠘 | 101. | Ovary 4-lobed; style arising between ovary lobes, cleft at apex: LABIATAE | |
101. | Fruit a capsule | 🠚 102. | |
🠘 | 102. | Ovary 2-roomed: SCROPHULARIACEAE | |
102. | Ovary 1-roomed: LENTIBULARIACEAE | ||
🠘 | 103. | Leaves ternately compound; flowers in cube-like head: ADOXACEAE | |
103. | Leaves not ternately compound | 🠚 104. | |
🠘 | 104. | Stamens more than 5: ERICACEAE | |
104. | Stamens 5 or fewer | 🠚 105. | |
🠘 | 105. | Stamens distinct | 🠚 106. |
105. | Stamens adnate to corolla, their anthers united to a tube; flower in involucrate heads; fruit an achene, often with plumose pappus: COMPOSITAE | ||
🠘 | 106. | Leaves alternate; flowers regular; stamens 5: CAMPANULACEAE | |
106. | Leaves opposite or whorled | 🠚 107. | |
🠘 | 107. | Stamens 1-3; flowers irregular; fruit 1-seeded: VALERIANACEAE | |
107. | Stamens 4-5; flowers mostly regular, sometimes irregular | 🠚 108. | |
🠘 | 108. | Plant an herb; ovary 2-roomed; leaves whorled: RUBIACEAE | |
108. | Plant a shrub or rarely an herb (Linnaea); ovary mostly 3-5-roomed; leaves opposite; flowers regular or irregular: CAPRIFOLIACEAE | ||
This is a digital representation of Eric Hultén’s ‘Flora of Alaska and Neighboring Territories: A Manual of the Vascular Plants’, which was published by Stanford University Press in 1968. The book was digitized by C. Webb (at UAMN) as part of the Flora of Alaska project, with funding by the US NSF (Grant 1759964 to Ickert-Bond & Webb), and with permission of Stanford University Press. Data and images © 1968 Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Jr. Univ. Usage licence: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0. NB: You may find OCR errors; please refer to the hard-copy if in doubt.