Delphinium brachycentrum Ledeb.
FamilyRanunculaceae — APG family: Ranunculaceae
SynonymsDelphinium chamissonis Pritz., Delphinium menziesii, Delphinium ruthae Nels., Delphinium blaisdellii Eastw., Delphinium alatum Nels., Delphinium pauciflorum Rchb., Delphinium maydelianum Trautv.
DescriptionPubescent from soft, white, curved or curled hairs; root thick, dark brown, woody; stem up to 60 cm tall, usually much shorter; lower leaves with rounded outline, cleft to base into 3 parts, which are again cleft or lobed into acute or somewhat acute seg- ments, narrow in small specimens from exposed places, broader in taller specimens from more sheltered localities (though both types sometimes occur in the same specimen); bracts linear; pedicels villous; flowers several, blue or creamy white, suffused with blue (f. pallidum Lepage), about 2 cm long; calyx pubescent on out- side, glabrous on inside, the lobes acute, somewhat acute, or blunt; spur straight, horizontal, with somewhat curved apex; petals white, tinged with blue; capsules pubescent, with beak about 2 mm long.
EcologyRocky slopes, meadows along tundra, rivers, solifluction soil, scree slopes; in Mc- Kinley Park to at least 1,200 meters.
A plant from McKinley Park, suggestive of the hybrid D. brachycentrum X glau- cum, has been described as D. nutans Nels.
Hultén's Flora About

This is a digital representation of Eric Hultén’s ‘Flora of Alaska and Neighboring Territories: A Manual of the Vascular Plants’, which was published by Stanford University Press in 1968. The book was digitized by C. Webb (at UAMN) as part of the Flora of Alaska project, with funding by the US NSF (Grant 1759964 to Ickert-Bond & Webb), and with permission of Stanford University Press. Data and images © 1968 Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Jr. Univ. Usage licence: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0. NB: You may find OCR errors; please refer to the hard-copy if in doubt.