Rhododendron camtschaticum Pall.
FamilyEricaceae — APG family: Ericaceae
SynonymsTherorhodion camtschaticum (Pall.) Small.
Common namekamchatka rhododendron
DescriptionStem thick, with brown or grayish-brown bark, much branched above; basal leaves obovate-cuneate, crenate-serrulate, those of sterile shoots sparsely pilose, ciliated in margin by simple, long ciliae, those of the flowering shoots ciliated and often glandular; stem leaves ovate to oblong; sepals oblong, blunt, strigose-pubes- cent and glandular-margined; petals about 2 cm long, somewhat unequal in length, ciliated in margin, pubescent on outside, oblong-ovate, purple, very rarely white (Kodiak) ; style long; filaments pubescent at base, the upper 5 shorter, the lower 5 longer.
EcologyAlpine meadows, occasionally in subalpine woods. Described from Kamchatka.
Broken line on circumpolar map indicates range of subsp. intercédens Hult.
Hultén's Flora About

This is a digital representation of Eric Hultén’s ‘Flora of Alaska and Neighboring Territories: A Manual of the Vascular Plants’, which was published by Stanford University Press in 1968. The book was digitized by C. Webb (at UAMN) as part of the Flora of Alaska project, with funding by the US NSF (Grant 1759964 to Ickert-Bond & Webb), and with permission of Stanford University Press. Data and images © 1968 Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Jr. Univ. Usage licence: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0. NB: You may find OCR errors; please refer to the hard-copy if in doubt.