We decided to go with a ‘Youtube Live Event’ streaming rather than using specialized conferencing software. The pros of YT Live are that all you need is a web browser and the URL to watch (no extra software needs to be installed). The con is that interaction from remote to the actual meeting is limited to a chat interface.
We will send you the URLs of the event when you register. They will be of the standard Youtube form: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxxxxxx. We have divided the event into two streams, morning and afternoon.
If you only want to view the streams and not chat back, simply click on the links and watch.
If you want to ask questions, or converse with other remote viewers, you will need to do the following:
Someone at the meeting will be monitoring the chat feed, and will ask questions from remote viewers. Please follow this convention if you are asking a question:
“Question from XXX to YYY:
This way we know who you are and can be sure that the right person is asked. We will ask the presenter to repeat the question so that it is clearly heard by the microphone.
Please be aware that there can be a significant time delay between what is happening in the meeting room and what you will see. We therefore encourage you to ask your questions as you think of them, and before the very end of their talk.
We will attempt to ask your question, but if the presenter has left no time, or if there are too many questions, we apologize in advance if your question is not asked. As a registered participant, you will receive a list of all participant emails, and we encourage you to ask your questions to the presenter directly.
We will try very hard to keep the meeting on time. However… :-) Should we fall behind, and you are tuning in for a particular speaker at a particular time, we apologize if the speaker has not yet started. Youtube Live events are available at the same URL for review, until deleted. We will not delete the event immediately, thus giving you some time to hear the talk you may be interested in.
If the video or sound feed is poor, please let us know via the chat interface. We will try to correct any tech issues, if it is possible.
If you have any interest in setting up a YT live event, the following information may be helpful (as of 2018-03-20).